The installation process

Manufacturers install the paint protection film on limited basis on various vehicle parts at the factory such as Porsches’ rear arches. Only certified trained professionals – who receive supplies from outside the dealers and distributors – should do the installation. Some detail and tinting shops also provide the service. Mostly, they install the paint protection film on forward facing parts of motor vehicles, but for maximum protection, they might also install it on the entire vehicle Jacksonville Paint protection films.
Here are some of the benefits you will enjoy after installing the paint protection film on your vehicle:
The environment will not affect your paint job
Your car’s paint job does more than just keeping the vehicle looking shinny and new. It serves as the skin that protects the metals and any other surface from wear and tear. Without an added layer of quality paint protection film, your vehicle’s paint will remain exposed to all possible damages such as bird droppings that contain acid that burns through the paint, tree sap that is not only hard to remove but also full of acid rain and tree fruits like cherries that burn through the paint and damage it permanently. Also, road salt might corrode the paint and metals seriously during winter months. Clear bra also protects the paint from road tar and oils that splash up during warm months or during the re-paving of roads. It will also protect the paint from sun’s UV rays that can burn through it.
Retains the vehicle’s value for many years
Preserving your new vehicle’s gleam is hard after many years of continued use – including with regular waxing and washing. By applying paint protection film, you will ensure that the car plus the paint job are looking new when time to sell the vehicle comes. You will definitely appreciate the vehicle’s like-new exterior.


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